Statistics by Matomo

We recommend Matomo as an analysis & statistics tool for GDPR compliance.

Matomo + Streamio = The GDPR-safe choice

Matomo is a Google Analytics option that protects your data and your customers’ identity. Personal privacy, data protection are important for Rackfish, the company behind Streamio, if it’s important to you and your organization, we recommend the use of GDPR-compliant Streamio together with GDPR-compliant Matomo as an analytics tool.

NEW March 2023

We now also offer Matomo as a service – read more here about our Matomo services.

Link your Streamio videos to your Matomo account

You can connect the players you created in Streamio to your Matomo account and thus access more statistics through all of Matomo’s features.

The link between your player and your Matomo account only needs to be made once per player. Here’s how to do it, step by step:

  1. Sign in to Streamio
  2. Go to “LIBRARY”, select the “Players” tab, and click on the player you want to use
    Streamio portal
  3. Inside your player, click on “Statistics – Google Analytics, Matomo” in the lower right

    Statistics - Google Analytics, Matomo
    Statistics – Google Analytics, Matomo

  4. Fill in information from your Matomo account in the fields:
    • In the “SERVICE URL” field, type or paste the URL that your Matomo server is located on. It should look like this: “” where “xxx” is your organization, and “yyy” is the top-level domain of your Matomo server.
    • “Site ID” simply type the ID of the instance where you want to track the statistics around the player.
      • To find your Site ID, go to Matomo.
      • In Matomo, click on Administration (the cogwheel at the top right)
      • Then click on ‘Measurables’/’Websites’ if your account is in English.
      • Under “Measurable devices” you will find the menu item “Manage”.
      • There you will find your “ID”, which you enter in the Streamio platform in the field “Site ID“.
    • In the “Title” field, type which title you want to use for all videos that use the player, leave blank and the respective video title will be used.

Note that you are not bound to only one connection to Matomo. For each player, you have the option to create a new Matomo link or enter a new Google Analytics Web Property ID.

Streamio offers several options for seeing your statistics.