Publish with playlists

Now you can publish your videos directly from a playlist!

Go to the Playlists tab located under the library and create a playlist by pressing the + Create New Playlist-button. Then, give the playlist a title and select the list type:
Auto – this list type will contain all your videos with the tags you specify.
Manual – you specify which movies the playlist should contain.


Finally, press the Create Playlist-button.

Now you can go to your newly created playlist. Here you can specify which movies the playlist should contain if you have selected the list to be a manual list type. You can also make other changes if you have selected auto list type such as adding or deleting tags, changing the sort order of the videos, etc.

At the bottom of this page you will find all the settings for publishing your playlist.

This is the same as when you publish a regular video. Learn more about publishing video with Streamio here.