Statistics in Streamio

How to see statistics in Streamio? All options are presented here!

All options for extracting statistics in Streamio

Streamio is an Online Video Platform (OVP) where you can post video, audio files podcasts and live stream. All this can then be published in any channel, for example on your organization’s website, on social media sites such as Youtube, Facebook and so on.

Like everything else digitally, it’s important to see statistics on how many people watch your content. When your content is published in different channels, thanks to using Streamio, you can see aggregated statistics from all the places where your content has been published.

In the Streamio platform, you can see aggregated statistics for all videos in your account, the number of views for each video, and real-time statistics for the number of viewers on your account’s live streams. To learn more analysis and statistics, you can link your Streamio video players to your Google Analytics or Matomo account , which is the GDPR-safe alternative to Google Analytics. To make it simple for you we offer a self hosted version of Matomo through our parent company Rackfish, contact us if you want to know more.

Here you will find our guides on how to produce statistics in Streamio: