New, improved statistics in Streamio

Now we have made it possible to quickly and easily get more relevant   statistics out of Streamio. Under the statistics section there are now two new tabs – one for account statistics   and one for film statistics:

Account statistics

The account statistics provide an overview of how many people have watched your movies in a given period:

Last 24 hours
Last 7 days
Last 30 days
Current period (current 30-day period)
Previous period (previous 30-day period)

During each period, you can get statistics at the account level if:

• Number of page views
How many times someone has visited a page where the film was published.
• Unique visitors
How many of the above page views were made by so-called unique visitors.
• Screenings
How many people during the period pressed “Play” and watched any of your movies.
• Display frequency
What percentage (in %) of the total number of visitors (page views) during the period who have pressed “Play” and watched any of your movies.

Film statistics

The film statistics make it possible to see which specific films have been seen in a given period:

Last 24 hours
Last 7 days
Last 30 days
Current period (current 30-day period)
Previous period (previous 30-day period)

During each period, it is possible to sort the selection of films/statistics:

• Most viewed
• Alphabetical order
• Latest (chronological order)
• Oldest (chronological order)

By clicking on any movie title, you can of course also get statistics about a single movie:

• Number of page views
How many times someone has visited the page or pages where this film was published.
• Unique visitors
How many of the above page views were made by so-called unique visitors.
• Screenings
How many people during the period pressed “Play” and watched this movie.
• Display frequency
What percentage (in %) of the total number of visitors (page views) during the period printed on “Play” and watching this movie.

It is also excellent to filter the movie statistics by tags, which makes it possible to see how many people have seen movies in specific playlists/ video archives.

During the year, we will further develop our statistical tool and add new functions according to the principle “less is more”, i.e. that the selections are limited to what we believe is of the greatest interest and most relevant to our customers.

For those of you who prefer to access more comprehensive statistics, we recommend that you instead connects your Streamio players with Google Analytics or Matomo, the GDPR-compliant alternative to Google Analytics. It’s simple and with the help of event tracking in Google   Analytics, it gives you the ability to tailor statistics views and reports completely to your own needs.

Hope you will like our new statistical features! If you have any questions, concerns or requests, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail ( or phone (+46-18 18 18 00).

Do you have any questions?
Feel free to contact us and we will help you!