Video banners? Video campaigns? Of course!

Banners containing video, that is, Video banners, are a simple but very effective way to attract the visitor’s attention.

Video banners can make a big difference when you want to highlight specific messages, important information, or get a lot of eyes on your ads and thus build brand awareness.

They are particularly effective when a campaign containing video takes place in several channels in parallel – their own website/campaign site, in banners and in various social media, such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Streamio is currently used by a large number of customers to distribute video in banners as well as campaign sites and on social media in a fast, easy and cost-effective way.

All campaigns have different needs and our Streamio plans can of course be tailored to meet each individual customer’s storage and traffic needs.

If you have any questions or concerns about an upcoming campaign containing video and what needs you need to have met, do not hesitate to contact us!

Since Streamio is a brand owned by hosting company Rackfish, we can give you everything you need for your campaigns, all from one company with one team.

Do you have any questions?
Feel free to contact us and we will help you!