Test account - Funnelbud Flow
We provide free Streamio test accounts for evaluation, development and testing before purchasing.
With a test account, you can test Streamio without any commitments. You don’t need to enter any credit card details when you create a test account. You still have full access to all features in Streamio.
Streamio online video platform (OVP) focus on the content. That’s why we’ve created easy-to-use features to make your movies as easy as possible. When you upload a movie, different video streams are created. Our player chooses the best video stream for the quality of the movie to be the best adapted whether it is displayed on computer or mobile. The creation of video streams does not take up any transfer, but these are included free of charge in the account. We have preset encoding profiles, but you can also make your own encoding profiles to customize these to your own needs.
Tags allow you to easily sort and associate movies with different playlists. Our archive player can contain multiple playlists and you can customize it to suit your web page.
Select players and get code to publish the movie to your website or click a button to post directly to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. You can see the number of screenings per channel under our built-in statistics. You can also link Google Analytics or Matomo to players you create yourself.
This is what you get with a free test account.
- 5 GB storage
- 25GB transfer — equivalent to about 50 viewing hours at 1100 kbps
- Support via chat, email, phone
- Open or secure account (for intranet)
- Live streaming with recording (beta)
- World Distribution in Rackfish Premium CDN
- Library for movies, images, sounds, and subtitles
- Your videos played in a player with streamio logo

What happens after the test period?
If you do not want to keep your test account after 30 days, you do not need to do anything, we will delete it after a while.
If you want to continue using the test account as it is, you need to log in and renew it every month. We will send you a reminder so that you do not miss out on renewing your account.
If you need more storage or traffic, you can easily upgrade to one of our other accounts. See Packages & Prices to see which package suits your needs best.
A test account works just like a real account, but is limited to 5GB of storage and 25GB of traffic. The video player used in the test account features our logo and the account must be renewed monthly to avoid being deleted.
Please note that a deleted account cannot be recovered.
Private individuals
We do not accept streamio accounts for private individuals because Streamio is strictly a business service. If there are concerns, we recommend that you justify how you intend to use the test account in the form.