Would you like to restrict and control access to your video content? Maybe you want to publish videos on your corporate intranet and don’t want other people outside your company to be able to access or view them?
No problem! With Streamio, you can restrict viewing of video content to one or several IP addresses (or a range of IP addresses) of your choice. Anybody who is trying to access your video content from any IP address other than those you have specifically approved will not be able to view those videos.
This weekend, we simplified the way you can activate this feature. From now on, our SECURE feature is activated on an account level and no longer on individual videos/players in a given account.
The reason why we decided to make this change is that it became increasingly difficult for some of our clients with significant amounts of videos to keep track of which videos/players where IP-restricted and which weren’t when building playlists and publishing video archives.
So, as of today, you will need to create a separate SECURE account in order to restrict viewing of video content to one or several IP addresses. All the videos you upload and publish through this new, secure account will be thus be restricted to the IP-addresses you have specified and approved.
As always, we have tried to make it really easy to add/create a new, secure account – it only involves a few simple steps:
1) Login to your existing account
2) Add/create a new, secure account
3) Specify which IP-adresses you would like to approve and others will have restricted access
Done! From now on, all videos you upload and publish through your new secure account can only be viewed from the specific IP addresses you have specified and approved.
IMPORTANT: Please note that a secure account works just like any other account on Streamio – you can start by creating a FREE account and then upgrade it at any time to a suitable subscription plan.
We hope you will like this feature as much as we do.
If you want to know more about your security options in Streamio please see our support section!
As always, if you have any questions, please beep us an email.
Your Resident Geeks @ Streamio